
Top resources for digital research

Performing digital research is critical for the innovative risk professional. When we consider the innovation of risk, we are continually looking at every possible avenue to advance risk management in its practices through scanning the... compares @innovaterisk to celebrities compares @innovaterisk to celebrities

Know Your Risks – An Infographic Guide

The newest infographic from Riskographics provides a visual guide for "knowing your risks".  Leveraging the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management - Principles and Guidelines, this infographic provides a more effective way of communicating the risk management process.  The document itself contains 9584 words where as this infographic is all about the pictures.

Leadership quiver for Leaders

Leadership is something that is not generally associated with risk specifically however it is actually the most important skill for any senior leader, and risk management is but just a single arrow in a quiver of many arrows.


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Infographic – Information Superhighway Needs Car Pooling

Sticking our heads in the sand, and saying we don't have enough time, is no longer an acceptable option.  Our roles, each of us, is to get smarter and more efficient and effective at gathering this information, analysing it and then making appropriate decisions.

The leaders of now and into the future will be those that can effectively manage the information on the information superhighway.  And these managers will be car poolers.


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Risk Management and the Internet

"The internet provides its users will valuable resources for research and analysis, and for risk management the new innovation is utilising the richness of data on the internet as a critical tool for success."

We share with you an infographic on risk management which provides interesting insight into the current trends relating to internet searches on risk management.


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Operational Risk Infographic

Operational risk is a topic that has seen a significant rise in the amount on "online chatter", particularly since early 2000.  Some interesting statistics are presented in this infographic on operational risk, not the least is the amount of postings on operational risk represents no more than 10% of the amount of postings on the internet for the iPod since 2000!


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