How we deliver

Our philosophy is in ‘showing’ rather than ‘telling’. To understand our approach and some of our thinking we have a number of articles available. These illustrate how we strive to foster better insight, challenge norms, and focus on collaborative problem-solving.

Better insight

Promote discussion

Challenge norms

Build the future of risk


Practical solutions

Risk Culture

10 APRA Dimensions

Risk culture trends continue to rise and more organisations identify the positive value in having a proactive risk-culture. Regulators such as APRA, have articulated 10 dimensions in respect to the behaviours and architecture organisations should consider for an effective risk culture.

Enabling your people to deliver great customer and business outcomes

The symbols, words and actions of leadership across the business are critical for a successful culture, which includes managing risk. We focus on helping organisations assess, define and embed cultural norms through engagement of the Board and senior management.

Our approach considers 4 key elements to develop all lines of the grid of culture within an organisation. The elements are cultural assessment, leadership norms, accountability & capability, and governance.

Cultural Assessment

Through psychologists and risk expertise, we tailor the cultural assessment to the strategy, values and purpose of the organisation. The assessment process includes surveys and tailored workshops.

Accountability & Capability

We focus on outcomes that deliver how accountability and responsibility are understood and embedded across the business. Supporting this, we assess the risk capabilities, including skills, processes, resources and data.

Leadership Norms

Leadership norms are analysed through assessment of decision-making and challenge, how communication cascades up-and-down through the organisation, and the "walk the talk" from the Board and senior management.


Our approach addresses risk governance & controls, including risk appetite & strategy alignment, governance clarity, and performance management processes, to deliver positive business outcomes.

Culture Asssessment

We help you enhance business outcomes and returns through the assessment, design and implementation of culture and risk culture architecture and behaviours.