Concept mobile phones of the future

We all scour the internet, well some of us anyway, looking for what is next in the world of mobile technology.

Although the iPhone was a revolution of the phone industry, I personally do not think it was a revolutionary phone, more of an evolutionary phone.

To me, the revolutionary phones are yet to come and here are two concepts that are out there that might be just that.

Spotted on MobileWhack, a new concept phone called “The Packet” made from ecofriendly materials which won first place in the Istanbul Design Week 2007.

It starts off as a 5cm size cube and then “folds” out into a variety of shapes to meet the users needs.

This concept makes it extremely convenient to carry and then practical to use.

I am not so sure about the final stage detailed in the picture.  I would prefer it rolls out to effectively a tablet size unit, which would then make this the ultimate mobile device.

The second concept is not only a phone but your own portable weather station.

Seunghan Song created a concept mobile phone dubbed the Window Phone and this device can transform its look, like a window that reflects the outside weather.

Although the weather feature is quite “cool” (pun intended) it is more the look and feel of this phone that is appealing.  If this phone were to have all the capability of the iPhone or any of the other smartphones in the market then it would be a great handset.

In addition, this phone just looks futuristic.

So, two very different but extremely interesting concepts in the world of mobile technology.

Will either of these ever end up being a real phone, only time will tell.  But, it is exciting to see these innovative concept phones and gives you the chance to think of what may be in the world of mobile technology.

Which of these two phones is my winner?

Well, for me it is the “packet” phone, even with the shortcoming of not folding out to be a tablet it just makes for a cool, simple and highly flexible option.


Scott North has extensive experience in enterprise risk management, internal audit, operational risk and compliance, risk strategy, scenario planning, technology risk, technology business analysis, systems design, financial accounting, and management accounting. Scott is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants with a Masters Degree from the University of Melbourne in Business and Information Technology. Scott is also a Fellow of the University of Melbourne.

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